Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again.

Yup, back in the saddle again. When I left teaching in 2008, I was ready for a break from the classroom and to concentrate on my growing family. I still felt a pull to education and teaching, so I started my little tutoring business, and wondered what my teaching career would look like down the line.
I envisioned myself working closely with students and teachers in some capacity, maybe as a coach. Last year, I decided it was time to get my Connecticut teaching license, in order to be able to take advantage of any opportunities that might come my way.
One of those opportunities was a position in a neighboring town as a writing paraprofessional. I wasn't 100% sure what such a role would entail but I had a good idea, plus it was only 20 hours a week. I knew I had to try, so I just went for it.
Getting the call to come in for an interview was a thrill, and getting hired the same day was even more of a thrill. I gave myself a week to get my affairs in order, figure out childcare and get my head in the game.
And here I am, about a month into my new job, and really loving it. I'm experiencing a level of autonomy and independence I never had as a classroom teacher, and I spend a good chunk of my day doing what I love best-- developing materials, coming up with lesson ideas, working with individual and small groups of students, and talking to teachers about how to help kids become confident writers.
It feels good to be here.

See the comments in this post for other SOL posts! 


  1. This is thrilling reading for me, as I am in the process of writing myself out of the classroom into staff developer or something more creative! Yay for you, having the courage and knowing your worth to step out into a better place.

    1. Thanks, Laura! It's really a major transition but one that feels so good. Good luck!

  2. Sounds like the perfect position for you. Congratulations!

  3. That sounds like such a good fit! I had a part time teaching job when my children were in elementary school for a while. It was so nice to be working, but still have plenty of time for my family. Congrats!

    1. Yes, I love the balance and it feels manageable. Best of both worlds, really. Thanks!
